At the edge of the unknown universe lies a mysterious Galaxy, governed by its own unique laws, where each star illuminates a captivating topic, guiding you through a cosmos of endless discovery and inspiration

At the edge of the unknown universe

lies a mysterious Galaxy, governed by its own unique laws, where each star illuminates a captivating topic, guiding you through a cosmos of endless discovery and inspiration

Below are some of the discovered Stars


A Blue Giant Star sourroned by Planets and their Moons reprents the explanation of the sectors


A Red Giant Star sourroned by Ruby Planets represents the main princeples of each sector



A neutron star embodies the Articals within its planets (sectors), with each planet having originated from gold formation



A larger neutron star embodies the experience within its planets (sectors), with each planet originating from platinum formation


A Trinary Star system, each planet (sector) contains its own set of questions and answers


